Monday, September 24, 2007

GM, Bowling, and The Family Guy Star Wars

So, GM workers are walking out. Like Michigan needs more crap. The thing that gets to me so much about the UAW is they have, what seem to me, such outrageous demands. It's hard for me to want to back workers that:

  1. Get a pension
  2. Feel entitled to next to free health care (and complain about $1.24 copays)
  3. Can make $70 - $100,000 a year without a college degree
  4. Refuse to do anything that might be slightly out of their job description
  5. Work a minute that they don't get paid for
  6. Have a clause in their contracts that the health care IS NOT guaranteed for life and MAY change and yet still are willing to fight it while creating huge issues for Michigan and the US auto market in general
  7. There's more, but I don't want to take too much time
Anyway, that's the way I see it. This all may have worked 30 years ago, but now the world is different. Deal with it.

Ok. Now onto the good things.
I took Chase bowling. He loved it! They had this slide thing for the little kids to roll the ball down. Chase and his friend Ethan were pretty excited about it.

The Family Guy's Star Wars episode. Wow. This just rocked. If you didn't see it, there are plenty of clips on YouTube. Here's the trailer for it:


Jodie said...

That clip was funny! I'm still laughing.

April said...

I watched it too and loved it.

Glad to hear such happy news about Chase. It sounds like he is really doing well!!!