Monday, February 19, 2007

Wow, I'm so not good at this.

OK, I'm finally back. I really am going to have to put a lot of effort into keeping this up to date.

Let's start with yesterday, Sunday, 2/18/07:

Chase's general mood: Pretty good for most of the day. We hung out at Grandma's house and Chase helped Grandpa put up a hanging light in the basement. Helping consisted of dumping all the screws of the table and playing with the drill, but he loved it.

Once we went home, we had an issue (meltdown) when we couldn't understand that "Circle" meant that he wanted us to put this beanbag-type mattress that we have in a "circle" so that he'd have a landing pad for jumping off the couch. It took a while and a lot of screaming (Chase, not me) but I finally figured it out. Putting it in a "circle" consisted of poofing it up and getting it in as close to a ball shape as we possible could. Once we got it in the right shape, he jumped until he was too tired to jump anymore.
Note: The Occupational Therapist wants us to let him jump and crash into stuff, and we need to find an appropriate way for him to do this. This couch to beanbag mattress is what we came up with. We've done this since Friday and yesterday was the first time the "circle" thing came up.

He went to bed fine, but woke up around 3 or 4am and insisted on going downstairs to the living room. He was crying quite a bit, but I got him a drink and, as usual when he wants downstairs at night, he laid down and slept on the couch and I got the floor (thank goodness we bought that mattress thing!) I took him back up to his room at about 5am.

Chase's Diet: I realized that the "cheese" he's been eating has oats in it! Crap. He loves that stuff. Hopefully, I'll be able to find one that is GFCF that he'll eat. He seemed to have an OK appetite and ate at least one apple, a banana, several slices of GFCF bread, juice, soy milk, and a bite of a graham cracker! He took it from Corinne. I got him to get another GFCF cracker without too much drama, but we'll see if he seems to have a reaction to the graham.
He also got his daily vitamin, B complex supplement, DMG, Taurine, Primodulpholis, and his B12 shot. He's not liking the shots, but I'm sure that he couldn't feel the one last night. He just knew that I was doing it. Right after it was done and I let him up, he was fine.

Chase's Pastimes: It seems that he's liking movies again. Grandma bought him "Garfield: A Tale of Two Kitties" and it's now his favorite. He actually asks for it. He points at the TV and says "Kitty! Kitty!" So, that's good at least. He's been doing some hand flapping type things, not quite flapping, but "odd" things with his hands. He hasn't had the bear and the sucky as much, so maybe that's how he's making up for it.

Good News: My Grandma, mother, and 3 of my aunts went on a trip this past weekend. We stopped over my mom's house to visit. Everyone thought that Chase seems to be doing better. He said hi to all of them and gave hugs and kisses. That made me happy.

Ok, that's it for yesterday.

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