Friday, March 28, 2008

(Insert Snappy Title Here)

I'm not feeling real creative today, so I can't think of a good title that will make you want to keep reading...

But, in case you've held on this long, I have a few things to tell you about:

  • Until March 30th, you can view "Autism: The Musical" on I haven't watched it yet, but I've read that it really let people see what it's like living with Autism in your family. Here's part of a review from the NY Times:
    Ms. Hall’s troupe is not very representative of the spectrum of autism — the most difficult types of children are not in evidence here — and for the first two-thirds of the film, viewers unfamiliar with the condition might be thinking, “These kids don’t look so bad off.” But around the one-hour mark, when Ms. Hall’s 12-year-old slams a smaller child to the ground for no reason, the film begins to show some of autism’s more disturbing manifestations. And you start to see why these parents are so frazzled.
    Click the image to watch the movie. You can pre-order the DVD here.

  • There is a rally to support the Autism Insurance Bills at the Capitol in Lansing on April 22. I sent handouts into Chase's school, so I'm starting to get calls about it. I love feeling like I'm making a difference. Click the image below for more info.

  • Chevy is partnering with Autism Speaks. For every person that watches a video tour of the new Malibu, they'll donate money to AS, up to 1 million dollars. Click the image below to do your part. It's only about 2 minutes long.