Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Cory, too!

So after going on about Chase so much yesterday, I thought I should mention my wonderful, adorable neuro-typical daughter. Corinne turned two at the end of February and proceeded to enter the terrible twos. Wow, does she have an attitude. Ok, she actually also has an ear infection, but that's not the only reason for the attitude.

She's really into the Disney Princesses right now. Cinderella and Tinkerbell are her favorite. She even sings the "Tinkerbell song". I got some of it on my phone last night after her bath.


Jodie said...

I laughed when you said "man does she have an attitude." So does Jayda. We really get into some battles of the wills!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad mine's not the only one with an attitude. I keep waiting for the terrible two's to be over, maybe by her 3rd birthday (in 24 days)? hahaha - And hers started at about 1 1/2 years! If Cory waited until age 2, that's great! :)