Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I'm back...

After MUCH prodding, I'm back. While it seems I have time to check out other people's blogs, I can't seem to take the time to write anything myself. So, here I am.

Since it's been so long, here's a list of random stuff:
  • Craig finished Fred. It's a great barn/shed/garage-like building. He did a great job. I'm so glad my husband's so handy!

  • We had a nice, but busy summer. Lots of random stuff. I can't believe it's over!

  • Chase is now in a "regular" preschool class. He still has an aid in the class, but he's doing pretty good. It was a bit rough at first, but things seem to be settling down. He's super smart and so high-functioning that most people see him as being "just difficult". He's not flexible in a lot of situations, and they seem to forget that he's autistic.

  • Cory is something else. She's got a LOT of personality and attitude, but super polite. EVERYTHING is "please" and "thank you" although, we're hearing "gracias" more than thank you. (Thanks, I mean gracias, Dora.)

  • My mom's car was shot at by a potato gun on her why to the mall after picking up Cory from daycare yesterday. A high speed potato hit her window and exploded. It sounds funny, but if her window would have been open, it would have hit her in the head. What's wrong with people. Oh, and this was in town on a residential street. WTF?

  • We got a new cat this summer. His name is Jing (yes Jodie, like The Jing Project. It's just so awesome, and I'm a nerd.) He looks a LOT like Mica, so sometimes it's a little weird, but Jing is much, much nicer than Mica ever was.

That's all I can think of for now. Really, I'll try to post more.


Liz said...

Hi Sally! Meandered to your blog from Jodie's. Nice to be reconnected with my mathematica partner.. (ahh.. remember?) Happy to read that things are going well with your fam. Have a good week-end!

Jodie said...

LOL I'm still laughing at the cat named Jing. How perfect. I am still in love with Jing and use it quite regularly. I even turned a co-worker on to it. If we ever move back to MI you better make some room for me over there. ;)

I want to see some pics of fred!

And boo hiss to the potato gun mishap!