Wednesday, May 30, 2007

All Kinds of Fun

Ok, that might not sound sucky, but not having enough time to get all kinds of fun new stuff onto my blog is sucky.

Now, since last time, we've been to Cedar Point, a Very Special Arts Festival, the Zoo, and had our last day of Chase's class for the school year.

Cedar Point
It went really well. It's funny how Chase was terrified of some things that Ethan would go on, and Ethan was terrified of things that Chase loved! Odd how that works.
The boys were troopers! They made it through both days at Cedar Point, an indoor waterpark, two nights in the hotel, and the trip there and home (thank you Grandma for the DVD player for the car!)

We were all tired, but I think that we're going to try to do it again next year!
Here's some pictures. I finally broke down and went for the slideshow...

Torrent Very Special Arts Festival and the Zoo
We stopped over at Chase's school for a really neat little art festival that they do every year. They have several different stops along the way to make crafts to take home. The kids made buttons, necklaces, glitter cards, and also had their faces (or hand) painted and ate snow cones.

Craig and I took the kids to the Binder Park Zoo on Memorial Day. I guess that I took more video than I did pictures, so there's only a couple. The best thing about this zoo is feeding the giraffes!

Here's some pictures of Chase and Cory, and their friends, Daisy and Evie at the art festival and a few of our zoo trip.



Jodie said...

Cute pictures. I like the family shot. :) We need to start taking more "family" pictures.

Anonymous said...

Um, OK, I know the mommy always takes the pictures, but could someone take a picture of you soon too? I've been including a picture of myself in here and there, so I expect to see the same sometime soon! :-)

April said...

I agree. Pictures of moms are a must!

You guys do so much with the kids. I need to be better about that.

April said...

Are you still alive?! Happy belated birthday!

Jodie said...

Yeah sorry Mango! Happy Belated Birthday from me too!

PS I like how you painted Cory's room. Very cute. Were you thinking DZ?