Monday, May 14, 2007

Microsoft Word

Ever since I got out of college, I have used Word to create documentation.

First at Unisys where, for as much as it sucked to work there, the templates/tools that we used to create our documents weren't too bad. (For those of you who work/worked there, I'm talking about BEFORE CMS)

Next at WorkForce where we used Word with Doc-to-Help, or as we fondly called it "Doc-to-Hell". I seriously spent six months of the eleven I worked there just trying to renumber my documents.

Now, at TechSmith we use Word and Acrobat to make our PDFs. I guess that this version of Word has a sense of humor. It likes to catch me off guard when it decides to die and not to give me any warning or message that it's crashed. It's just gone. But, not all the time, sometimes I do get errors. I mean, I'm used of Word crashing, but when it doesn't give me a message, I don't always realize it's gone for awhile. Oh, it only does this when I switch over to another window, so I might not notice it for 5-20 minutes. Nice.

Mothers' Day
We had a nice weekend. We got our "white-trash" pool filled with water, which cost about as much as the pool, but less than a new well pump. We went to my Grandma's on Mothers' Day. Chase again found the booster seat and snapped it on. He did tell my mom this time that he was a turtle. Smart, huh? He's doing so good with his speech that he's able to tell us what he's thinking a little bit. At least now we know that he's pretending to be a turtle, not just goofy.

Everyone in the extended family thinks that I don't do good enough about watching Cory. She runs. She falls. She walks. She falls. (I have the same problem.) Anyway, I can't make her stop running/walking fast. I've never heard so much gasping as I did yesterday. I know that they totally think that I should do something about it, but then they can't give me any ideas about how to stop her. Sigh.

More about Chase
He's doing so good lately, that I want to say that he's not autistic. Again, I wish there was a blood test that could tell us for sure. He's repeating so much, using 4-word sentences, and initiates interaction with everybody. He doesn't talk as much around strangers as he does at home, but isn't that how most 2-3 year olds are?

Fun Times
We're going to Cedar Point on Thursday! I'm so excited! It's going to be me, Susanne, and Ethan (3), and Chase. We're staying for two nights. We got this package for supercheap that gives you 2 evening tickets, 2 full day tickets, 2 nights at the hotel, breakfast, and a parking pass. We also can go to the indoor waterpark for supercheap. I hope that Chase handles the whole thing good. I think he will. He's been there before and like Ethan. Chase is really brave about trying new stuff right now. We'll see how it goes.


April said...

Chase's behavior sounds exactly like Ethan's. Granted this is based on what you write, but they seem a lot alike. Remember I thought something was wrong with Ethan because he "rocked" himself to get to sleep (we called it humping though ;) )? He's 5 and still does it! It's so bizarre. And I had all these drs pressing me to get him in speech therapy because he didn't talk until he was almost 3 (then all the therapists said this was normal...especially in boys). Kids should come with instruction manuals!

Jodie said...

Brady usually clams up around strangers and you should see some of the diggers Jayda takes. She looks like she has leopard legs from all of the bruises. The other adults in your life need to chill. You do a good job.

Anonymous said...

You are doing just fine. Forget about what those people think. Chase is doing so much better, you just keep doing what you've been doing. I know it's hard to not have a definite answer right now (autistic vs. late development), but as long as he keeps improving, that's awesome! And of course kids will talk more at home, that's where they're comfortable. Sophie never shuts up with us, but other people probably think she's mute. I think every kid has some issue(s) that makes the parents worry like crazy. If it's not one thing, it's another. Chase is talking late, Cory falls down. Sophie used to have eating problems, then she'd throw up when we let her cry too long, then meltdown tantrums (still waiting for those to be completely over - haha). ;-)