Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Time for a change

So anyway, I'm back. at work on a Wednesday, how novel! Since we don't have speech therapy anymore, I'm going to try to come in on Wednesdays now.
I changed the name of my blog because, unlike my original intention to monitor Chase's progress, I find that I'm tracking my progress. Mostly I feel like I complain about stuff, or maybe I just feel more compelled to write when I'm crabby about something. Hmmm...

Chase is doing good. More and more like a "neuro-typical" kid every day. Listening to a couple parents yesterday, I noticed more things that Chase isn't sensitive to. For example, the other parents were talking about how their kids can't deal with crowds. One child gets physically ill when he's been around a big group of people. Another clings to her mom, pulling her hair and screaming.

Of course that made me wonder if Chase might actually have issues with crowds but that maybe I don't realize it. I think that he's ok. He gets a little hyper some times, but he doesn't freak out like these other kids. I'm having a hard time lately of judging which things that he does are "autistic" and which things are "two-year old".

I think nothing of taking Chase to Cedar Point. These other parents look at me like that is nuts. Chase has been there 3 times. When he was 11 months old and 15 months old, he LOVED it. He went on all the kiddie rides. At 23 months, he was scared of a couple of the rides, but still had fun. Am I dumb for thinking that he'll have a good time when we go in two weeks? My friend Susanne and her 3 year old are coming with us. I hope it all goes well. Sleeping in the hotel is what I'm most concerned with, but I think that sharing a bed with me, he'll be ok.

Cory is so snotty. She throws some of THE biggest temper tantrums, throwing herself on the floor and screaming like she's hurt. And that's if you take away a piece of paper that she's trying to eat. A toy is much worse. Maybe she'll grow out of it quick? Please let her grow out of it quick. I'm realizing how nice it is that Chase likes to ride in the car and likes to watch movies. She has no interest in either or both together. Grr. She's cute, but a pain in the butt in the car.


April said...

Oh Sally, haven't you learned it yet? As soon as they outgrow one bad trait, another one is formed. We are doomed for life. :-)

I'm glad to hear the good news about Chase. I take my kids everywhere with us. As long as it doesn't make mom nuts, I say bring them along. Have fun in Cedar Point!

Jodie said...

Oooo I'm jealous! You guys will have fun at Cedar Point I'm sure of it.

LOL Jayda doesn't throw fits often but when she does look out. During one of her worst ones she layed down in the frozen food section of the grocery store and kicked the crap out of the redi-whip bin. I thought if I walked away she would get up and follow me. Nope. She contined to lay there kicking and crying even after I dissappeared from her site.

Think its a girl thing? ;)