Wednesday, May 9, 2007

... Storms.

I'm such a wuss when it comes to thunderstorms. It doesn't help that they seem to have more Severe Storm Warnings and Tornado Warnings then they ever did when I was a kid. I guess that now they call it "Warning" if the radar indicates conditions are right for a warning, where as when I was a kid, they only called it that if a trained weather spotter confirmed it.

That arrow is pointing at me.

So, the drive to work today was sucky. I jumped every time the lighting hit, which was a lot. I was convinced that a tree was going to get hit and then fall on my car.

Chase did really good at group yesterday. He was talking a lot and smiled when everyone was singing, although he didn't sign along with the songs like usual. He did all of his transitions well, except when we had to come in from the playground, but it was better than last week.

When they had snack, Chase said something like "Huh?" and made a goofy face, so I did it back to him. He thought it was funny, so we played this little back and forth game saying, "Huh?" different ways. The group leader saw that and was impressed that he was taking that much interest in the game. I also told her about Chase's "nigh-night" thing that I mentioned a couple posts ago. She was very impressed and even made a note about it.

I took him back to school for Occupational Therapy later yesterday, and he did the best he have has. He stayed focused on what we were doing, was very engaged with Andy the OT, and even showed us that he's already awesome at tee-ball! He was actually hitting the ball of the tee like he'd been doing it for years. It was pretty darn cute.

I really think that starting the shots again last week makes a difference in Chase's ability to focus and stay interested in the task at hand. So, I just have to keep remembering to do them!


April said...

Do you have to give him the shots? That would be so hard to do! I mean, I was a pro at it when I was prego w/ Livy, and they really don't hurt at must suck though having to do it your child.

I really admire what you are doing for Chase and love hearing about all his good progress. It sounds like it is paying off big time!

Sally said...

I give him the shots, but we have this nice numbing cream that we put on first. If I can sneak it, he doesn't even notice. If I can't, he yells a little, but only for a minute. I know he can't feel it and it's a tiny needle, so I don't feel too bad about it.