Saturday, March 24, 2007

Checking In

Hi guys, all two of you that read this!
Anyway, I had a minute and thought I'd tell you what's going on.

I was only in the office on Monday this week. My Grandpa had surgery, so my Mom went to Toledo to help my Grandma out. He's doing fine now and should be home today.

Chase has been doing great this week. He's been having some little temper issues, but it's like any other 2 year old. It's hard to explain but he's really finally acting his age, for better and worse. This makes me soooo happy! He hasn't regressed at all with any of his speech and actually started saying "rock" yesterday and "pancake" today. In our house, this is huge! He has become a little more dependent on the sucky thing, but he knows that he has to go up to bed when he wants it.

We're going to Henry Ford Museum tomorrow. My sister has to catch a plane at DTW for a flight to Ontario, California. We decided to take her and make a day of it.

Hopefully, I'll have some pictures of the trip on Monday.

Hope you're all having a great weekend!


April said...

I read, I read...don't stop writing. You didn't allow anonymous comments, so I could never reply. However, I finally got a blogger account and plan to start my own (one day). I'll let you know when. :-)

Sally said...

Hmm... I didn't know that I didn't allow them... Glad you're reading! Let me know when you start yours! Now that I have three readers, I'll have to make sure to do it more often... Maybe I should add an entry now...