Monday, March 12, 2007

Crazy Weekend

First, I should mention that we're testing Chase's success with the GFCF diet. He's been off of the diet this last week, but continues to take his supplements. He is doing extremely well in my opinion. I have not seen anything that looks like a negative reaction. We'll give it a month and see what we think. We're not telling the therapists to see if they notice anything.

We had Cory's birthday party this weekend. I'll hopefully get some picture up soon. Chase was very good, although he and Ethan really enjoyed running up and down the hall of the hotel. There was a mix up with the room we had reserved, and issues with the cake, ice cream, and me forgetting a bunch of stuff.

Chase went swimming twice and loved it. He really figured out the swimmies/waterwings. I'm excited to go to swim therapy and see how he does there. He didn't want to get out of the pool at all. He was very interactive while we were in there. He even said a new word - steps.

Non-Chase Issues
Then our propane ran out, but we had no idea. We now know that propane seeping into your house smells like a poopy diaper. We're getting more brought out today. Fun. I miss being connected to natural gas.

Next, Cory hit her face on the coffee table, and Chase wasn't even near her. Nope, she did this one on her own. She's got a fat lip and cut that thing that holds your upper gums to your lip. She's ok, but looks like she got in a bar fight.

Then, this morning, I had just pulled out of the driveway and could see a bump in the road. I always assume it's Mica (our cat) but usually, it's a squirrel or rabbit. This was a cat, but it was so dark, I couldn't tell if it was Mica. I didn't see a collar, but I had to be sure. I went back to the house and picked up a flashlight and snow shovel. I confirmed that it wasn't Mica and moved the poor black kitty off the road. That really got to me. Poor thing.

My Issues
Top of all this with me just being general crabby all weekend. I need to figure out how to keep from snapping at Craig about little stuff. Does any other mother out there get sick of feeling like you have to handle everything and make every decision? Ever feel like you can't handle making one more decision? Or, feel like you have to explain everything in painful detail to get your husband to understand what he needs to do to help you out? I always feel like, "Um, how come you don't just know this? I do!" That's my rant for the day. I've been a little on edge lately, and Craig gets the brunt of it. Sorry honey.

1 comment:

Jodie said...

Poor Cory. My kids have gotten numerous fat/bloody lips over their short life spans. Mouth wounds heal fast though.

That would make me sad about the dead cat too. :(

If it makes you feel any better, I'm always yelling at Brian. In fact I'm always yelling at everyone.

Post pics!!