Monday, March 5, 2007

Too much thinking.

I'm feeling crappy today. I'm really feeling sad about what Chase is missing. Poor kid. Last night he found several things that he wanted to eat, and I couldn't let him have them. He even wanted yogurt, but refused the soy kind. I've been doubting the GFCF diet lately. We just did so many new things at once, I don't know what is really helping and what isn't really doing much.

Right now, I think it's the extra speech therapy, vitamins, probiotics, DMG, and B12 shots that are helping the most. I really want him to be able to eat "normal" food soooo bad. I think that maybe we'll try adding some things back in this month and see what kind of reactions he has. I did notice yesterday that he got really goofy hyper after he ate an apple. It makes me wonder about the phenol thing. I need to learn more about that. Although, he was tired and maybe that was just the problem. We'll have to test that one out and talk to the DAN! doctor about that. Oops, I really need to figure out when that appointment is...

The Weekend
We had a pretty good weekend. Chase was really very manageable and seemed very "with it". We ran to the mall to mail the invites for Cory's party and to return something to Kohl's. We had to wait about 10 minutes in line at Kohl's, and Chase stayed in the stroller and was really good! He even said "Hi!" to another little kid. Yay for Chase! (And for me.)

My Issues
I talked to our friend Michelle this weekend. Her little girl is exactly the same age as Chase. Michelle was saying how Jaden has been bossing them around. She's saying whole sentences about "Mommy, I want to watch this movie!" and other things like that. That's the times I realize how much I've lost in all this and feel sorry for myself, which I then feel guilty about (of course.)
I should be so thankful that Chase is as loving and interactive as he is. I shouldn't concentrate on the fact that he can't vocalize everything. Arg. It's so frustrating. I thing what gets me with all of this is that I still really believe he's just going to start talking one day. He'll start talking and all of this will be behind us. When I see "normal" kids, it hits that belief kind of hard.

Here's some pictures to make me feel better. They're from New Year's eve. Chase went to bed, but got back up in time for the countdown. He even toasted with us (sparkling cider, of course.)

There. I feel better now. :o)

1 comment:

Jodie said...

The food thing would be really hard! There are just too many variables. Hopefully time will help you figure it all out.